Romania is a country more beautiful than heaven,

 Friends, today we will go on a tour of the country which is called the country of magicians.

Where the oldest remains of modern man have been found, where the waterfalls are considered to be the most beautiful waterfalls in the whole world, friends, you must have understood by looking at us that today we are going to talk about the European country Romania. Hello friends, my name is Rahul and you are seeing.

Friends, Romania is a very beautiful country located on the cross road of Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe. The borders of this country are bordered by Bulgaria in the south, Pukren in the north, Hungary in the west, Serbia in the southwest, Moldova in the east and Banek Sea in the southeast of Romania. The area is $2397 square kilometers. According to the area, it is the 61st largest country in the world and the 12th largest country in Europe. The population of this country is about 1 crore 90 lakhs and on the basis of population, Romania is the sixth largest country in Europe. Friends, the capital and largest city of Romania is Bucharest, while the official language of this country is Romanian. Let's talk about the comparison of religion. It is basically a Christian country. 98.5% of the population of this country follows Christianity, although other Christian countries In contrast, Romania has the highest number of Orthodox Christians. Talking about the meaning of Romania, the nominal GDP of this country is 299.85 billion while the per capita of this country is 15619. The name of Romania's currency is Romania and today is January 7. By 2023, one Romanian is equal to India's 17 rupees 77 paise. Friends, Romania is also called the country of others. Wheat and maize are cultivated in this country. Friends, the Dengue River, which originates from the Black Forest of Germany, passes through 10 countries and joins Cassi in Romania. Denim River forms a daily delta in Romania, which is the second largest river delta in Europe. Not only this, this river delta is home to more than 300 birds There is also a species of friends, it is the highest mountain in Romania till carpetian, the height of its original Do Ben is 200 44 meters i.e. 8346 feet, it is home to many species on the verge of extinction, including music, prawn ware and penis. Friends, only Romanian women are beautiful. And also here the population of women is more than men, in this country there are 1000 women per 950 men. Friends, you must have heard the name of Count Bracula. a time Be it a panic letter, but his stories used to create awareness among the Romanian people in the 19th century. In his novel, Brain Stoker has told Count Dracula of Romania's Translvania, not only this, most of the places mentioned in the novel are also of Romania. Due to which in the 19th century people took the story written in this novel to be true. Friends, the world's heaviest building is the Indian Parliament House located in Bucharest, its weight is approximately 409 million 85 million pounds, water is 150 million 90 million kilograms, how much is that Parliament House? It is huge, you can guess from this that there are 23 different parts inside this building and it has about 1000 exquisitely carved rooms, its fans are 8 meters high and it is spread over 365000 meters. It is almost three and 20 lakh laborers are engaged. Friends, it is also said that the Parliament House of Romania is visible even from Chand. Friends, Romania's rail network is 22298 km long, which makes it the world's 15th and Europe's fourth largest rail network. . Apart from this, the world's largest wooden church is also located in Romania, from a height of 257 feet. Mehra Mukesh County match success is located in Tehri village of northwest Romania. The top of this church is 23 feet high, which weighs about 1000 pounds. Not only this, it is also the second largest wooden structure of the disease.

It is beautifully decorated, due to which the cemetery looks completely different from the rest of the kabristanon, friends, Romania is also known for its delicious dishes, in which stuffed cabbage rolls are made from sarmale meatrol, which is made from roasted mains and Papanashi, which is a heavy pastry with cheese, etc. dishes are included. Friends, whenever you go to a wedding or party, you will see a coffee machine there, which makes instant coffee and gives it to you. You will be surprised to know the invention of this coffee machine. It happened in Romania itself. Fanci Isko Lilly, who lives in Romania's TV Shore city, built this machine. Friends, Romania's gymnast Nadia CMC was the first player to win 10 medals in any Olympics. She was also the first woman in the world and gymnast to do this feat in the Olympics. Friends, Romania is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, which include the Kar Petim Delta and Mamaia and Ek Hori Noodles, located on the edge of the Kala Sagar. Apart from this, Romania is also home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the 45 churches of Gim Dengu Delta and Transil Bania. Talking about tourism, there are many places to visit in Rumalia such as Brand Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle, located in Transil Bania. Carwin Castle Dales Cancel Bukhari, its Denim Delta National Park, CBO and Brasso include sights such as Koyna Basso and Sunaya, apart from this, the rocks made on the banks of the river between Romania also attract tourists. These sculptures have been made by some of the artists there. The hillock or face looks very real but actually it is made of stones. Friends, if you also want to visit Romania, then you must have a valid Indian passport and Romania's visa. To go to Romania, you can take a flight from Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi to Bhuka Rest. Flight fare Airlines and types of travel Will depend on Friends, there can be many things about
