Top Spice Producing States in India

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200 India has always been called the country of spices. Spices are being used in India for about 7000 years. Spices not only increase the aroma and taste of food, but are also very beneficial for health.


Spices are also used in Ayurveda. A lot has been written about the files of Spices. You will be surprised to know some of the knowledge. Out of the total spices used in the world, 70% of the spices are produced in India only, with India being the number pan producer of spices- It is also the largest consumer and the largest exporter. The list of International Organization of Stabilization of ISO water includes a total of 190 spices and out of these 75 spices are produced in India. No other country in the world produces so many spices. India Last year 10.5 million metric tons of spices were produced in India, India gets more than $ 4 billion revenue from the export of spices and spices grown in India are being used in 180 countries of the world, but friends, do you know Whose of India

Which spice is celebrated the most in the state and which spice is exported to which country in the world? In today's video we are joining, after all, where do the spices of India come from? After this, Rajasthan is on the second number and Gujarat is on the third number, most people think that there will be more spices only in the South, here we are not only talking about spices like cardamom, but all the spices from Rai to Chilli. Apart from Rajasthan, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka, Bengal, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Kerala, spices are produced in large quantities in many states, as we told you that more than 75 spices are produced in India. But today we will talk about the most prominent and most commonly used spices, such as red chili, turmeric, ginger, cumin, garlic, cardamom, soft coriander, black pepper, nutmeg, which are the most commonly used spices in India. In detail Do you know that these spices are grown in what quantity in India? Red is one of the most widely grown spices in India. The share of red chili in the total spices of India is more than 20 lakhs in 2016. More than 500 red chillies are produced every year in India, India produces 38% of the world's red chillies, with this China is at second place and with 55%, Bangladesh and Pakistan come at third place, India's Telangana Andhra Pradesh Central Most red chillies are grown in the states of Karnataka and West Bengal. About 30% of the total production of red chillies is sold by India to other countries. Won major countries that buy red chillies from India include Vietnam, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Red chillies are used for food. Turmeric is used to increase Jack. Turmeric means turmeric is a natural medicine. Daily use of turmeric has many benefits for health. Drinking turmeric mixed with milk is also very beneficial. produces 80%

India had produced 11 tons of turmeric in the last seven years. Turmeric is also the third last exported spice of India. Apart from India, China produces 8% of Myanmar. Fourth percent turmeric production requires more rainfall. Telangana Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra And in the coastal areas of Karnataka, turmeric cultivation is very good, only in Telangana, more than 3 lakh tons are produced every year, especially in the state's Nizamabad, Adilabad, Karimnagar and Warangal, turmeric is cultivated. Countries that buy turmeric from India India includes countries like United Arab Emirates, America, Lanka and Iran. After turmeric, ginger is another very special spice which is used in every Indian's home. with 33% of the world's ginger Grown only in India, the maximum ginger cultivation in India is done in Madhya Pradesh, followed by Maharashtra, West Bengal and Kerala states. Apart from India, 18% ginger is produced by Nigeria and 16% ginger is produced by China. India exports ginger to many countries of the world. Among the countries that buy ginger from India, countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Morocco remain at the top. See eating garlic in India has been told wrong but still garlic is consumed fiercely by Indians Eating a few blacks of blessing daily increases your immunity India comes second in terms of garlic producer only China in the world China produces 80% of the garlic, produces 20 million garlic every year, India produces only about 30 million tons of garlic, India's Madhya Pradesh alone produces 19 million garlic every year, Rajasthan with 5.5 million units. Apart from India and China, Uttar Pradesh comes second and third. Garlic is also produced in countries such as Egypt and Spain, while Nepal comes first in countries that buy garlic from India, Indonesia, UAE and many other countries like Taiwan also buy garlic from India. Cardamom is called the queen of Mana, friends. It is the most expensive spice in the world after anil and saffron. Its fragrance increases the taste of food many times. Looking at cardamom, there are two types of both types of cardamom are used in India. Rani says that 22500 tons of small cardamom are produced every year in India, it takes a lot of time and effort to cultivate it, that's why it is so expensive. India alone produces 31% of chi after India, but the name of America's country Gochar Mala comes where 29 percent of cardamom is produced, in addition to this, small cardamom is also cultivated in Bola and Sidar Daur in Kerala, India. Only more than 66 percent of cardamom is cultivated, after this comes the number of states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Sikkim. 93% of all cardamom grown in India is used in its own country. It is exported to countries like Kuwait, Singapore, talk about big cardamom, its demand is very low compared to small cardamom, big cardamom is used only for making garam masala or in some dishes like Biryani, 88 more tons big cardamom annually in India. In terms of production of cardamom, Sikkim comes at number one, followed by states like West Bengal, Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. Now let's talk about cumin, which is cumin. India has 70% of the world's cumin It is grown in India last year more than 8.30 lakh metric 10th of cumin was produced Apart from India Syria produces 12% Iran 6% of eight percent Cumin is produced mainly in only two states of India The first number goes to Gujarat and the second number from Rajasthan, both the states produce more than 99% of cumin in India. Cumin helps in strengthening our digestive process. Use of cumin in both the ground form.

It is exported to America, Europe and China, friends, coriander is a vegetable as well as a spice. Whatever happens in the world, it is used as a spice. Last year, 822,000 tons of cumin was produced in India. Which is about 72% of the whole world. Apart from India, countries like Bulgaria, Romania and Russia also produce coriander and use it in food. Countries like Malaysia, Pakistan and UAE buy coriander in large quantities from India. Indians are the most in Madhya Pradesh. Coriander is produced annually, 390 thousand metric tons of water, about 46% of coriander is grown only in Madhya Pradesh, followed by the state of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Assam and West Bengal. You must have heard the soft fair with coriander.

Fennel is used in combination with coriander in most Indian homes.

Is produced in successful case, Gujarat is at number one, which alone produces about 74% of fennel, apart from this, fennel is also cultivated in Rajasthan, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh, India's fennel is considered the best in the world, Germany Netherland, UK and all countries like that import 100% from India, now let's talk about black gold i.e. brother of black gold, what is this black gold, actually friends, black pepper is also known as black gold. In ancient times, foreign people used to take black pepper to their country every year by filling many ships from India and sold it at very expensive prices. There was a time when the importance of black pepper became more than gold. Thi India produces 65000 tons of black pepper annually and in this case, India comes at number three, in the field of production of black pepper, Vietnam is at number one and Indonesia at number two, three states of India are in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Black pepper is produced, apart from black gold, red gold is also cultivated in India. Let's talk about cancer friends, which is called golden spice, it is the most expensive spice in the world, the cost of one kilo of saffron is between ₹ 3 lakh, although 95% of the world's saffron is grown in Iran, but the matter Do see the best quality saffron is found in Kashmir, India, India produces saffron for 325 days every year, however, apart from this, India also imports saffron from Kiran because Iran's saffron is cheaper than Kashmir's saffron. Many spices are also grown in India. Celery seat, which you might know by the name of Ajwain, is produced only in the state of Punjab in India. Punjab Harsar produces 6000 tons of Ajwain friends. Wale Spice is known as Nutmeg in Hindi and nutmeg is also used in many Pooja Path establishments. 15000 tons of nutmeg is produced every year in India, out of which 98% is produced by the state of Kerala alone. Two lakh tons annually. Friends, more fenugreek seeds are produced in India than fenugreek seeds. In terms of production, Madhya Pradesh comes first, Rajasthan second and Gujarati, India also produces 1100 lawns every year, out of which 90% is produced only in Tamil Nadu. Friends, apart from this, many spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, amchur, hing, bay leaf, curry leaves, white mir are used by Indians daily, then friends, if you have complete information about the spices of India, because of the spices, you know that the food of India gets that taste by which you people It is liked in every corner of the world, why not go to any corner of the world,
